
Acme Grupė has been actively developing its social responsibility strategy since 2016. The organisation’s managers and employees are clearly aware that corporate social responsibility and sustainability are the cornerstones of a successful, sustainable business that adds value to society.

The social responsibility axis of Acme Grupė is based on employee involvement. Social responsibility enables them to use the company’s available resources to contribute to society’s well-being, together with the organisation as a whole.

Together with

Over 40 social partners

3 strands supported

8 years of developing social projects

Good Deeds Fair

Every year, the Acme Grupė team comes together for a very noble charity event, the Good Deeds Fair. Partnerships and collaboration have always been a priority for Acme Grupė, both within the team and in business, as well as with public and non-governmental organisations.

Therefore, during the charity event, while some of the employees volunteer by offering various entertainment and food services, the participants donate funds, which are multiplied by 10 at the end of the evening by Acme Grupė. The donations are then invested in social projects in the areas of education, health and nearby communities.

ACME Good Deeds

A separate Acme Grupė organisation, ACME Good Deeds, has been set up to develop social responsibility activities. ACME Good Deeds brings together volunteers from the Group’s employees who are willing to develop and initiate important socially responsible issues for the company and society.

For potential social partnerships, please contact 

Promoting education

Renkuosi mokyti
mokytoju palaikymo ratas
Matematikos ir chemijos klasių įrengimas

Together with

I choose to teach

“I choose to teach!” program unites the education community to bring positive change to Lithuanian education. To make a difference, the programme attracts motivated, peer-oriented participants to work in schools for two years. After completing the programme, around 75% of participants remain in the field of education and continue their work as teachers, school administration, academics or members of education community.

Teachers' support circle

The Teachers’ Support Circles project creates a safe space where teachers share their daily hardships so that they can go to work emotionally calm, empowered and motivated. This is done through the Non-Violent Communication (NVC) methodology, which empowers educators to provide support and feedback to each other.

Lituanica X (education)

Technology education is the key to an even wider technological world. This has been proven by Lituanica X – Team Lithuania, a team of 11 young people with the support and backing of Acme Grupė, who have already created over ten different robots. Lituanica X has already competed at the World Robotics Olympics, the European competition in the Netherlands, and succeeded with high scores.

Equipping maths and chemistry classrooms

The innovative mathematics class “Žaidimatika”, established in Fort VII of Kaunas Fortress, is already open for learning and developing logical thinking for children who, due to serious illnesses or for other reasons, need additional educational support to return to the education process. The class was established by Kaunas Fortress VII in cooperation with Acme Grupė. A chemistry class is currently being prepared.

Healthy lifestyle

Skirtingos spalvos
Jaunimo, sidabrinė, moterų linija

Together with

Different colours

By sharing patients’ experiences, lessons and doctors’ advice, we contribute to reducing social exclusion and spreading the message that a diagnosis is just a word, underneath which lies a multi-coloured life.

Youth, Silver, Women's line

A conversation can make a big difference: it can save someone’s life, find a way out, provide a solution or give inspiration for change or transformation. Such conversations are also a part of the Youth, Silver and Women’s lines. 

Flame of hope / Glasses for children

Acme Grupė supports the Glasses for children project, benefiting the children under the care of Flame of hope. This initiative aims to help children living in families in difficulty, hindering the ability to improve their vision. The project contributes to fostering an easier relationship with the environment, better well-being, self-esteem and increased self-confidence.

The Golball Association

The National Golball Association, which has been in partnership with Acme Grupė for a number of years, brings together athletes, coaches and contributors to the Lithuanian national golf ball team. The Association therefore promotes the sport and encourages people with visual impairments to participate actively in sport, training, competitions and to strive for higher excellence.

Community projects

Pagalba ukrainos žmonėms
gelbekit vaikus

Together with

Helping Ukrainian people

Ukrainian society is still in need of help during this extraordinary time, so we are helping children with cancer, Ukrainian schoolchildren with the necessary technical equipment for their education, and the rest of the people with huminatric aid and other needs. 

Save the Children

Since its inception, Save the Children has been dedicated to representing children’s rights, working for the realisation of children’s rights in the country, and helping children in situations of poverty, violence and other daily hardships.


Jaunimo, sidabrinė, moterų linija

Together with

Visiting the elderly and spending time together

Every year, the Acme Grupė team traditionally visits the elderly in Kaunas social care homes. As every year, the residents of these homes warmly welcome our team to a common table. Here, we all braid and decorate advent wreaths together, share holiday traditions and memorable stories. Sometimes all it takes is a sincere attention to make a miracle happen.


Geri darbai 2021

Geri darbai 2019